Management and Governance
Day-to-day management and maintenance of the Bank is organised by the Committee of the Friends operating under the 1999 Constitution. The Objects of the organisation are:
to assist the Gallows Bank Millennium Green Trust to provide and maintain an open space, to be known as Gallows Bank Millennium Green, for the benefit of the inhabitants and to be used for ever as an area for informal recreation and place for community events, where the said inhabitants can enjoy Nature and wildlife at first hand.
Under the Constitution the Committee is elected from the membership annually at the AGM.
The full text of the Friends constitution can be viewed HERE.
Supervision of the activities of the Friends is the responsibility of the Charity Commission.
Annual reports are filed and members of the Committee are registered as Trustees under the entry for Gallows Bank Millennium Green Trust, charity number 1071018.
The objects of the charity are:
Provision and maintenance of an open space to be known as a Millennium Green for the general benefit of the community.
You can view the current Charity Commission details HERE.
The contact details are:
Phone: ​